Sunday, May 29, 2005

Crash Review

The title to this movie did not grab me and I was not going to see it, but after a beautiful but hot day at the swap meet with my sister and niece, and lunch at Genki sushi, there was time and the idea of air conditioning sounded really good.

IMDB rating is 8.5 and the synopsis sounded interesting so I decided to chance it, especially after I found out Sandra Bullock was in it.

The two movies I thought of when I saw this movie were Amores Perros and Short Cuts. The acting was very good. The bad cop tells the good cop that if he stayed in the police force for awhile, then he would eventually lose himself and not remember who he was. That is is one of the main themes. How does a person keep his/her integrity when life bumps them around, and clouds their ideals? How do we reconcile it when people we have "judged" don't conform to our picture of them? What is the basis for bigotry and racisim? How does the best of every person get expressed?

I have a bit of difficulty imagining that in a city the size of Los Angeles, people would run into each other as much as these people do.

There isn't much humour in this movie; mostly angry people just trying to survive. I give it 4/5 acorns. It made me think.

Speaking of acorns, the closest thing that came across to an acorn at the swap meet was a walnut sewing kit. Okay, well, not that close:), but I loved it anyway. See the picture.

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