Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Darn, August is well underway, and I hate to see summer go by. There is an energy that summer has and I like it a lot. It is suited to cruising. I have cruised by some new things, snuggled up to some old comfortable things, and peered into the future and ruminated on the past.

Okay, I still have weeds in my yard and I still am not neat, but I have reconnected with some of my relatives and friends and I watched a lot of movies and knit a womb and did a bnch of things I really enjoyed. Besides I can hire a gardener and a housekeeper!

I have been separated for more than a year and the divorce (boy it's hard to say that D word) will be final this month if the papers are all in order. It's not a topic I like to blog about, but it does make me think.

I think I'll cruise a while longer until I am ready to work on my values. My last bracelet still needs work. The links keep coming apart and sometimes catch on my clothing and knitting. I'll be ready to move on when I can keep it together.

Whine: My Firefox browser won't show the picture on my blog:(. I can see everyone elses pictures and I can see them on the IE browser. What is up with that!

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