Sunday, November 13, 2005

Tam Lin Review

This movie stars Ava Gardner and is the only movie Roddy McDowell directed. It is based on an English/Scottish folk tale. Tam Lin is a character who accosts young women and takes their virginity. A woman falls in love with him and he with her. He tells her is is actually a prisoner of the fairy queen and if he tries to leave her she will kill him. She becomes pregnant and he runs away with her. In this movie Ava tells the man that if he leaves her, she will give him 7 days and then she will come after him. Being as this movie was made in 1969, she drugs him and sends her lackeys after him.

This movie has a great mood and the back drop is very beautiful. I know this dates me, but the Pentagle does the music. Boy that brings back some memories.

I will give this movie 4/5 acorns.

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