Saturday, November 05, 2005

Black Friday, Night Creatures, 4D Man Reviews

Today I started watching a series of vintage horror. By today's standards many do not seem so horrible, but it is hard to beat the eerie sound effects, dark brooding looks of Peter Cushing and Bella, or the diabolical characters played by Vincent Price.

Black Friday stars Vincent Price as a brain surgeon who just doesn't seem to be living up to his potential. He has succesffuly transplanted animal brains, but just can't seen to get a good job. An English professor has befriended him, but when that professor is mortally wounded in an auto accident involving a ganster, the surgeon sees not only an opportunity to experiment on a human, and save his friends life, but also an opportunity to get a share of the gangster's stolen money.

In Night Creatures, Peter Cushing plays a vicker with a couple of secrets. This movie reminded me a bit of the Scarecrow series on TV when I was a kid. The characters are a bit confusing and I'm not sure who was the good guys and who was the bad guys. It's not entirely clear to me what the Night Creatures are up to. Oliver Reed is quite young in this one. He still looks quite good after he's been beat up by the sailors trying to get out his secrets.

4D Man was quite good. Scientist brothers start working together and there combined experiments allow 4D Man to pass through solid objects. The cost of this ability is that the energy required ages him. This is hard on his relationships.

I will give Black Friday 2.5/5 acorns. Night Creatures, I'll rate 2/5 acorns. I will rate 4D Man 4/5 acorns.

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