Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Weeping Camel, Neverwhere reviews

The Weeping Camel takes place in Mongolia. A nomadic family is camped while their sheep and camels give birth. The last camel to be born, the first from his mother, a white colt is rejected by her. I really thought it was going to be buzzards circling and didn't know if I should stick it through to see it. The family keeps trying to get the pair together, but mom is a real grouch and the colt cries pitifully. As a last resort, the two young sons ride off to get a violinist. Yeah, that's what I thought was the answer, too.

Neverwhere, is a made for TV 6 episode miniseries about a mild mannered business man, who's world is turned inside out when he aids a woman he finds bleeding on the side walk. She begs him to hide her from two really nasty dudes with a penchant for murder and torture. After this encounter he is ignored by taxi cabs, his friends and co-workers don't seem to know him and in his quest to correct his situation, he goes underground London to find a fantastic world and a quest.

The Weeping Camel is quite engaging. I will give it 3/5 acorns. Neverwhere had some interesting characters and concepts. It was dark and very TV-ish. I will rate it 2.5/acorns. It was quite dark and little slow in parts.

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