Monday, July 24, 2006

Tsotsi and Pride and Prejudice Review

Tsotsi is a South African punk who raised himself and makes a living with his buds hijacking citizens. While running away from a situation he hijacks a luxury car, shooting the woman driver. He discovers a baby in the back seat and after stripping the car he puts the baby in a shopping bag and takes it home to his shack. Needless to say, this sets his life on a whole different course. He starts to look at other people and also his memories and thinks of so many possibilites. The DVD has 3 different endings, and any of them could have worked. The main actor and actress in this movie have little experience but play their roles very convincingly and with feeling. I will give this movie 3/5 acorns and half of a clive.

Internet Movie Database lists more then 8 versions of the classic, Pride and Prejudice. I remember the version with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle from 1995, and the one from 1940 with Greer Garson and Laurence Olivier. A co-worker said this one was the best ad the most romantic. It was great to see Donald Sutherland as Mr. Bennett and he does a great job. I enjoyed this version very much. It was beautifully filmed and full of life.
I will rate it 4/5 acorns.

Update on the retirement thing. The latest development is that once retired it is apparently against federal law for me to be employed by the same company. Not only that, but it is illegal from anyone at my work to discuss possible employment after retirement. So, there goes my idea of working as a fill in. I don't know if there are any other options other then trying to stick it out 4 more years, and work less. It's just hard to to my particular job if I cut back too much. And darn, Mr Darcy is taken.

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