Thursday, June 29, 2006

One of those days

Today is one of those days when I woke up and got dressed for work and all day I kept thinking something was out of place. Like, did I forget my underwear? Did I comb my hair? Did I have two different shoes on? Nothing like that materialized and I must say the day ended just fine. I decided to see if there was something in my horoscope that would explain this strange feeling. Surprisingly they didn't all match.

For example:
1. Feelings of nostalgia, sentimentality, and a yearning for closeness or a sense of emotional rapport are accented now. Contacting people from your past or supportive friends is rewarding to you now.
2. You used to compare yourself to Icarus, but you're less likely to do so now that you know he once helped a woman cheat on her husband by having sex with a cow.
3. The efficiency factor in your job is going to start to suffer. In fact, things might already be pretty haywire. Mixed messages, lost papers, late deliveries, staff shortages and lots of silly errors are the name of the game for the next month. Ouch. Fear not. It's all silly, little stuff. You can handle it. (I lied.)
3. Your wishes and desires are powerful, and they may seem like the only things that matter. But don't let your eagerness force you to become too desperate. If you attach too much importance to things, you may push too hard to try to make them happen. Right now, you need to let things come to you; try to be patient and understand that events proceed on their own timeline. Things will change when and how they need to -- not one minute before.

Well that didn't enlighten me any.

I have been contemplating lately how my life is like a computer. My "uploads" at work (one way to balance stress) have been capped, while the dumping has increased. My hard drive is really full, defragging didn't help, my access time has gone to hell and things are really starting to hang. I better reformat and reload windows before all I get is a blue screen of death. Do I re-install Win2K or wait for Vista?

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