Sunday, June 04, 2006


Thursday I went to a conference called "Dealing with Diffiult People". I had a challenging person at work and I was hoping to get some tips on meeting this challenge. Good intentions, yes? Well on Monday she quit! Gave two days notice and when I came back the next day, her office was empty! Wow. Lucky me:)

I went to the class anyway and today I was supposed to do homework. I already can't remember exactly what the assignment was, so I will just review some of the "hot ideas". In order to improve myself, I should identify my weak links under stress, and work on changing them by studying learning resources and doing it at least 6 times.

Easier said then done.

I took the short personality test, and no surprises. I'm still one of those analytical, thinker types-show me the process! I can think myself into paralysis. Give me a rule and I'll enforce it to death. Don't ring my doorbell, sent me an email. If I can't be right, I'll run. Heh. Lots of work to be done!

Yikes! I better look for some of those resources.

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