Friday, January 06, 2006

This and That

From Science News: Circumcision cuts HIV transmission. Apparently this study had to be stopped because the number of men that converted during the study period in this high risk group was twice as high in the uncircumcised group. As much as I hated doing cirucumcisions, this is a compelling reason. The article makes of point in saying that HIV transmission is reduced 60% and not 100%.

I can't seem to get through more then a couple pages of any novel, but I can read craft magazines, especially knitting ones over and over, and I can read Science News. I think it's because the articles are short and my mind wanders if I have to concentrate too long. I can't seem to read the newspaper, though, with any frequency, but then it's always full of sad stuff like, car accidents and soldiers dying overseas. I don't follow sports. I continue to subscribe because I need something to line the birdcages with, and I like the Sunday paper.

I didn't make any resolutions for New Year. I started a list of things I learned in 2005. Number one was, don't use my hand as a hammer. Guess it was just that kind of year.

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