Monday, August 14, 2006

TV and the other War of the Worlds

SciFi channel had a series of catastrophe movies...Fire Ice etc. I watched Ice. The earth freezes over and the evil scientist uses a band of survivors to transport him to a ship which has room for only him. The ship is moving "vital" people to the equator to work on solutions. Althought ultimately foregetable and predictable, I enjoyed this TV movie. It had drama and action and some icey special effects. I will give it 2/5 acorns and no clives. Beware, this rating may be a sign of my current brain dysfunction.

I already know about the older War of the Worlds classic 1953, and of course the new War of the Worlds with all the bells and whistles modern CGI can muster, but I didn't know there was another, low budget version, starring C. Thomas Howell. The creatures in this one look like large spiders. This version moves at a slower pace. It had it's high moments, it's share of drama and creepiness, and a bright spot at the end.

At the end of both Ice and this movie I kept thinking, "What a mess!" "Now what?" But I guess this will be where society breaks down to "lower" level, the strong triumph over the weak, and perhaps zombies take over. Well, maybe not.

I will rate War, 2.5/5 acorns. It has a tiny clive rating, but then what can you expect from a bug movie.

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