Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Lost and the Pirates

Whew it was another one today! My allergies are all aflare, leaving my head fuzzy. I missed another appointment, but I don't think this one really counts as I never recieved a confirmation. I let the battery of my phone die. I had plans to meet a friend for a movie and I was wondering why she didn't call. When I plugged in, there was a message. I managed to get in every wrong lane on the way down. She had already done her damage at Border's so luckily I only had time to buy one magazine.

Then it was off to lunch and Pirates of the Carribean, Dead Man's Chest. I never made it to Disneyland until I was about 22 and the Pirates ride was a memorable one. I have to thank my then boyfriend for putting up with me there. I had such a good time. But then, I digress. On to the movie! I wasn't sure what to expect other then the dead men morphing in to creatures of the sea, and there was al lot of that. It was a jolly fun movie and quite exciting!
I will rate it 3.5/5 acorns.

I also started watching Lost, Season 1. Although many of the banyan tree jungle scenes were filmed walking distance from my house, I never watched it. It appears they are in Season 3 so I have a bit of catching up to do. I also get to see the mountain scenes of the Koolaus every working day. I am on episdoe 7 of the first season and have been quite entertained. There is quite a league of nations on this show and this hunk of burning love!

It's the dimples.

I'm going to bite the bullet and take an antihistamine tonight before I scratch my eyes out! I suspect these allergies are my bad karma for not being neat.
The good news I had today is that my refrigertor has finally come in. Now to schedule a time to have it installed. Just call me Ramblin.

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