Monday, July 04, 2005

Batman Begins Review

Just like I had a difficult time visualizing Michael Keaton as Batman, I had trouble seeing Christian Bale as Batman. I mean, he was American Psycho! The director tried to steer clear of the TV feeling of camp and silliness even more so then the much maligned Batnan 1,2 and 3. There was a lot of action, great toys, and special effects. Gary Oldman was very chameleon like in his portrayal of Gordon. Having just watched Bramstoker's Dracula again recently, the mousey man really made me think. Dr. Crane, played by Cillian Murphy was excellent in his portrayal of the crazy doctor, who reminded me a lot of Dr. Decker in Nightbreed. Murphy has unreal looking liquid blue eyes. Morgan Freeman was wonderful as the keeper of the toys and the conversations between him and the Bat made me chuckle with the clever one liners.

Not hard to tell, but I found this movie very entertaining. I give it 4.5/5 acorns.

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