Monday, October 03, 2005


Today I got my hair done by the remarkable Misa. She talked me into having my eyebrows waxed by Nathan. Youch! There is a Friend's episode I saw about waxing and the 40 year old virgin goes through waxing, albeit of other body parts, and so I was apprehensive. The reason I have such bushy eyebrows after more then half a century of life on this planet is that I've tried plucking and frankly, it hurts. Well let me tell you, waxing hurts, too. I shall view this as penance for enlarging my yarn, fabric and bead stashes, even though I said I was going to stop. The same can be said of chocolate which I looked for reduantly on the WW list of approved foods (surprise! It's not there)

The real question is did it improve my self esteem and confidence? Well after the bleeding, itching, swelling and redness subside, I'll ponder that. Okay, I lied, no bleeding.

At least Nathan praised me for not ordering stencils and trying to do it myself.

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